Adding a JMS Listener

Next, you add a JMS listener so the EMQA can read the XML documents that are delivered to a queue by a JMS server. You must add one listener for each server and queue combination.

To add a JMS listener:

  1. Under java.lang.String addListener(), in the ParamValue column, enter the two required parameter values for the JMS listener that you want to create: hostName and queueName. These values are described in the associated ParamDescription column. (Note that the queueName parameter value must be in the form "queue/queueName".) The username and password values are optional.
  2. Click Invoke.

    The message "Successfully added listener listenerName" should appear. The listener name is in the form "hostNamequeueNameMdb", for example, the JMS listener for the server named SE1234 and its hosted queue named Queue1 is SE1234Queue1Mdb. If you see an error message, go to Troubleshooting.

  3. Click the Back to MBean View link.