Applications → Managing Fields → About Fields
Data collection is the cornerstone of many process apps, which depend on accurate and complete data about primary and secondary items. Compiling relevant historical data into management reports also depends on effective data collection. Fields are used to gather data as users submit, transition, and update primary items and work with auxiliary items. SBM Composer provides many types of fields, most of which have sets of properties that define the behavior of the fields. These fields can be customized to meet the data collection requirements of the applications deployed to SBM.
SBM Composer provides a set of required system fields in primary and auxiliary tables. These fields often satisfy data collection needs for primary and secondary items, but you can also add fields as needed for your process app.
SBM Composer also gives you the flexibility to set field properties to make it easy for your users to enter information about items. You can modify (override) field properties established in the primary table at different levels of the application—workflows, states, and transitions.
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