Managing System Views

Users with administrative access can modify the three system views: My Dashboard, My Activity, and My Calendar. System views can be modified for Home, for individual applications, or for application groups.

Changes made to the system views impact all users. Users cannot remove widgets and feeds added to these system views, but they can add their own feeds and add and reorganize their own dashboard widgets.

To modify a system view:

  1. Select one of these:
    • To change your Home page view, click the Home icon.


    • To change an application view, click a pinned application icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click the Customize (image) icon in the navigation pane, and then:
    • To modify the system My Dashboardview, select it in the navigation pane, and then select the System button in the upper right corner of the content pane. Follow the steps in Using Dashboard Views to add, modify, and rearrange widgets.
    • To modify the system My Activity view, click the Customize (image) icon in the navigation pane, and then click the System button in the upper right corner. Follow the steps in Creating Activity Feeds to add and modify feeds.
    • To modify the system My Calendar view, click the Customize (image) icon in the navigation pane, and then click the System button in the upper right corner. Follow the steps in Creating Calendar Feeds to add and modify feeds.
      Note: By default, the system My Calendar views do not have any feeds.
  3. Modify the view, and then save it.