If you use the integration between the Configuration Management Systems
and Asset Management process apps, you must follow these steps when you add,
edit, or delete CI Types. This ensures CIs are correctly mapped to assets
created from either process app.
- In
SBM Composer,
open the SSM - Configuration Management Systems process app.
- Select the
Data Design tab, and then edit the
Type field. On the
Options tab, modify the types, including the prefixes for each
- Select
Workflow Design.
- In the
Rules area, select the export rule that applies to your type.
For example, "Router" would typically apply to the "CMS - Export Hardware
- Select
"Type" inside the rule, and then add or remove types to match
the modifications you made in step 1.
- In the
Rules area, select the rule that applies to your type. For
example, "Router" would typically apply to the "CMS - Is Hardware Rule."
- Select
"Type" inside the rule, and then add or remove types to match
the modifications you made in step 1.
- If you added or removed types, select the "CMS - Restrict Post to AM
- Add types that you want posted to Asset Management or remove types
that you do not want to post to Asset Management.
- Deploy your process app.
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