Creating Reports for the Timeline

You can create various reports that can be used for timeline data.

Note: When you change the timeline, it is changed for all users.

A single timeline uses a report for primary items and other reports for overlays and child items.

You must choose a report that has all the data needed to display as a Gantt chart, such as the All Release Trains report. You can use that report as an example to create others of your own.

If you change the default timeline's report to something other than All Release Trains, you must ensure that the selected report has all the fields required for the timeline. You can use the All Release Trains report as a model for a new report or follow the example included here.

To create reports:

  1. In the Release Control application group navigation area, click Reports.
  2. Filter existing reports as needed using the Search box. For example, enter All Environments or RLC.
  3. Use the information in the following example along with the SBM documentation to create reports as needed.

Example Reports for the Timeline

This example timeline shows all environments with overlays for all scheduled maintenance and all scheduled release packages. Use the following reports:

Report Details
All Environments

This simple listing report will be the main report.

An All Environments report is provided with Release Control, so you do not need to create a new one.

Only Title and Item Id are used for this example timeline, as no range or events are used from this report.

Do not modify this report, as it is used by the system. If you need a variation of this report, copy it and save it under a different name.
All Scheduled Maintenance

This will be an overlay with ranges.

  1. Create a simple listing report with the following definitions:
    • Content, Report Item Type: Environment Schedules
    • Content, Reports Project: Environment Schedule Projects
    • Content, Select Columns to Display:
      • Item Id
      • Title
      • Environment
      • Planned Start
      • Actual Start
      • Planned End
      • Actual End
      • Event Type
    • Search Filter, Use Basic Conditions: Event Type contains any System Maintenance
    • Sorting, Sort by: Start Time, Ascending; select Enable Dynamic Column Sorting
  2. Save the report as follows:
    • Title: All Scheduled Maintenance
    • Privilege Category: Guest
All Scheduled Release Packages

This report is the same as the All Scheduled Maintenance report except for the search filters and the report title.

Search Filter

Event Type contains any Release Package

Configuring the Timeline to Use the Example Reports

In Timeline Manager, add a timeline or edit an existing one and change it to use these new reports.

To use the new reports:

  1. In Choose Report, select the All Environments report.
  2. Leave ranges or events blank and expand the overlays section.
  3. Add the following overlays and set the ranges show in different colors for the overlays. 
    • All Scheduled Maintenance
    • All Scheduled Release Packages
  4. Save the timeline.

Now the timeline can be accessed by the URL and any user with remote administration privilege will be able to edit it.

See Creating Timelines and Defining Timeline Elements.

Related Topics

Defining Timeline Elements

Creating Timelines