Designing Deployment Paths

After you create the deployment path item, you are ready to design the path.

Tip: Typically, organizations should reuse environments and deployment paths. The display is limited to 999 items.

To design the deployment path:

  1. In the deployment path item you just submitted, on the Deployment Path tab, click Edit Deployment Path.
    • To edit a path that has already been activated, you must first select the option to return it to construction.
    • For the Edit Deployment Path button to appear, you may need to resize the window to a larger size.
  2. In Available Environments, click a connector in the path at the position you want to add an environment or environment group and then click the + on an environment box. The selected connector is orange.
    Note: You can filter available environments by name or to show only environment groups or only environments. The view is limited to 60 environments.
  3. To remove an environment or environment group from the deployment path, click the x on the corresponding box within the path.
  4. To move an environment or environment group within the deployment path, remove it, select the connector after which you want to add it, and add it again in the new position.
  5. To configure an environment or environment group, click the corresponding box in the path. A form appears where you can set the following options:
    • Required: Select Yes to ensure the release package is deployed to this environment. By default, the first environment is required and the rest are optional.
    • Required Group Environments: (For a selected environment group only) Select Yes or No to indicate whether environments within an environment group are required. By default, all are required.
    • Redeploy: Select Yes to allow release packages to be redeployed into an environment.
    • Set Lock: Select Yes to prevent changes to deployment tasks or deployment units once a release package enters that environment. When you lock an environment, all subsequent environments will be locked as well. When you lock an environment group, all environments in the environment group will be locked.
      Note: You should not set your failure environment to a locked environment or environment group as this will prevent users from being able to change the deployment tasks when the deployment fails.
    • On Fail: Select the environment or environment group to which to return upon failure.
    • The following read-only attributes appear to let you know of settings done at the environment or environment group level:
      • Access: The level of access set for the environment
      • Group: Whether it is an environment or environment group
      • Approval: Whether approval is required for the environment or environment group

Activating the Deployment Path

After you have completed the deployment path design and are ready for the path to be used, click Activate to make it active and available for selection in release packages.

Updating the Deployment Path Design

To update the deployment path design, you must return the path to construction. It cannot be updated if it is in use by any deployable release trains or release packages.

Related Topics

About the Deployment Path Application

Using Release Packages

Creating Environments

Creating Environment Groups