Using Release Packages

Release packages contain all the information needed to deploy deployment units to and execute processes in environments. Release packages are typically created from and associated with release trains.

Release packages may represent a functional part of a release or components targeted to different platforms. A single release package can be used for the entire release. The categorization and makeup of release packages depends on your organization's needs and preferences.

An example hierarchy of release packages for a Qlarius release train is shown in the following figure. In this example, the release packages are grouped according to the makeup of various development teams for an application release.


The details of what and how to deploy are defined in deployment units and deployment tasks and the information on where and when to deploy are defined in the deployment paths, which are a sequence of environments to which to deploy.

To see how the release package fits into the overall release flow, see Graphical Overview and A Typical Release Control Flow Using Deployable Release Trains.

For information on creating and configuring release packages, see the following topics.