Configuring Tasks to Create and Run a Nolio Deployment Plan

The fields that are displayed when configuring the deployment tasks to run Nolio deployment plans are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Title Title of the deployment task Nolio Process
Description Description of the task
Action The action to execute on the item; select Create and Run Deployment Plan

Create and Run Deployment Plan

Application The Nolio application for which the deployment plan will be executed Qlarius-Online
Project The name of the Nolio project Qlarius Online Project
Environments Select from Release Control environments configured in the deployment path. For example, Dev, Test, and Prod. <select>
Environment For each selected Release Control environment, select the associated Nolio environment. This field requires the Nolio application to be selected. <select>
Plan Name Enter a name for the deployment plan to be created.
  • Release Control will check for a duplicate plan name and build number within the selected project and will mark the deployment task as invalid if a duplicate exists. Use Run Deployment to run an existing plan.
  • On Retry, no new deployment plan will be created; the previously created plan will be redeployed.
Artifact Package Select the Nolio artifact package to associate with this deployment plan. <select>
Deployment Plan Type Select the Nolio plan type for the plan you want to run. <select>
Deployment Stage Select a deployment stage to be executed after deployment is created. This stage and all preceding stages available in the configuration are executed. For example, if the stages you have configured are Initialization, Validation, Deployment, Post-Deployment and you select if Deployment here, Initialization, Validation, and Deployment will be executed.

If no deployment stage is selected, all stages available in the configuration are executed.

See Deployment Stage in CA Nolio Plugin Configuration Details.

Category Select the Nolio category template. <select>
Category Properties Enter category properties to further filter the selection. Fill properties
<Parameters> When a Nolio category template is selected, its parameters appear. Fill in the parameter values as needed for the Nolio job. They will be passed to Nolio as entered, even if blank or null. <any parameters defined for the selected category template>
Template This field requires the Nolio category to be selected. <select>
Build Enter text to identify the build Build 001
Job Prefix Optionally enter a job prefix; if entered here, this overrides any entered for the plugin configuration