Configuring Tasks to Run a Nolio Deployment

The fields that are displayed when configuring the deployment tasks to deploy a Nolio deployment are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Title Title of the deployment task Nolio Deployment
Description Description of the task
Action The action to execute on the item; select from available options

Run Deployment

Application The Nolio application for which the deployment will be executed Qlarius-Online
Project The name of the Nolio project Qlarius Online Project
Environments Select from Release Control environments configured in the deployment path. For example, Dev, Test, and Prod. <select>
Environment For each selected Release Control environment, select the associated Nolio environment. This field requires the Nolio application to be selected. <select>
Deployment Plan For each selected environment, select the associated Nolio deployment plan. This field requires the Nolio environment to be selected in the preceding field. Plan name and build number are shown in the selection, delimited by a dash. <select>
<Parameters> When a Nolio deployment plan is selected, the deployment plan parameters appear. Fill in the parameter values as needed for the Nolio job. They will be passed to Nolio as entered, even if blank or null. <any parameters defined for the selected deployment plan>
Job Prefix Enter a job prefix for the deployment you are running.