Completing Blocked Run Process Tasks

If execution on a Run Process deployment task has already started but was paused for some reason and needs user intervention in Nolio to proceed, the deployment task is placed in Blocked status. For example, if a file is missing, the deployment task will be placed in Blocked status to wait for action in Nolio. After the file has been added, the job can be resumed in Nolio.

Block occurs only in the following conditions:

When these conditions happen, the Release Control task will have BLOCKED status and the Nolio job will be in the Failed/Paused state.

Move your cursor over the status to see more details in a tooltip, including the Nolio job ID, as shown in the following figure.

Note: The job ID from the Nolio database is shown on the tooltip. This is NOT the RLC_ID that is displayed on the Nolio UI in Execution Overview tab.


To complete a blocked Nolio deployment task:

  1. In CA Nolio, navigate to the Process Execution page and do one of the following:
    • Click Found Error in Release Control.

      The job execution will be stopped in Nolio and the Release Control task will be failed.

    • Click Stop in Nolio.

      The Release Control task will be failed.

    • Click Resume for the job in Nolio and manually mark it as Done.

      The job will be completed in Nolio and the process flow will be continued.