Basic version management tasks you can perform with Dimensions CM are:
Create an item
Check out item revisions
Check in item revisions
Get copies of items
Action item revisions to a next lifecycle state.
In addition to these, Dimensions CM provides a number of other features for processing items.
Some functions that can be performed with items that belong to projects cannot be performed with items that belong to streams. Basically, any commands that allow folders or items to be changed directly, either in terms of content or refactoring, cannot be used with streams. For further details about streams and the differences between streams and projects, see Working with Streams.
Functions available for items are:
In the desktop client, you can do the following version management tasks:
Preview an item: Preview and print the contents of an item revision.
Get copy of an item: Get a copy of an item revision.
View history and pedigree: View the action and revision history of an item, and see how item revisions are related.
Show users, roles, and privileges: View the role assignments for an item and the users who have the item on their Inboxes. Also view the privileges that are assigned for this item.
Create an item: Create a new item from an existing file.
Check out and check in an item: Check out an item into your work area to edit it, and check it in when you are finished.
Edit or revise an item: Edit an item without checking it out first, or update an item using a file in your work area.
Edit attributes: Change the attributes of an item.
Action an item: Move an item revision from one state in the lifecycle to the next state.
Delete an item: Delete an item revision from Dimensions CM.
Remove an item from the project: Remove an item revision from the current project.
Suspend an item: Suspend an item revision to prevent further work on it.
Change item type: Change the type of an item.
Move an item: Move an item revision to a different design part.