Dimensions Build Terminology

Build area

The file system location used during a build to look for inputs and generate outputs. A build area definition includes the name of the logical or physical node where the build area is located, the port number running the Dimensions agent, the file system location, and the user credentials used to secure access to the build area. Build areas can be of two types, work areas and deployment areas. For details see Build Areas.

Build configuration

Contains information about what will be built and how, including the targets, build areas, options, scripts, and dependencies for a specific platform or environment. For details see Managing Dimensions Build Configurations.

Build configuration type

The options that are required for a particular type of build configuration. For details see Build Configuration Types.

Global Stage Lifecycle

The Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL) is the lifecycle that items follow that controls which versions are included in the configurations and builds of a project. Item revisions are moved to the next stage in the lifecycle when they have reached the appropriate stage of approval. The GSL is defined for the base database. For details about editing the GSL see the Process Configuration Guide.

Build tool

The logical groupings of build options for a given build engine. For example, you can configure all the possible options for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler and add a description for each option. For details see Build Tools.

Build option group

A logical collection of build tool options that are passed to the build engines and scripts that execute builds. Enables you to apply rules and enforce standards. For details see Build Option Groups.


A customizable text file containing variables and control words. Dimensions supports a common templating language and processor across Windows, UNIX, Linux, and z/OS (both USS and MVS). The templating language enables you to customize the processing of build, e-mail, and remote job execution templates on all Dimensions nodes. For details see the Developer’s Reference.

Transition rule template

Describes a generic rule for building an item and applying it to specific source items at a later time. It describes how to change or transition an item of one type (i.e., *.c) to an item of another type (for example, *obj) using a template or script. For details see Transition Rule Templates.

Application rule template

Defines a group of transition rule templates that are used to create an application. For more details see Application Rule Templates.

Primary Build Execution Monitor

On mainframe platforms the Primary Batch Execution Monitor (PBEM) controls, monitors, and reports results for builds that are initiated by Dimensions Build. On distributed platforms the PBEM run templates for builds that are initiated by Dimensions Build. For details see The Primary Build Execution Monitor.

The Secondary Build Execution Monitor

The Secondary Build Execution Monitor (SBEM) is an MVS only generalized batch execution tool. For details see The Secondary Build Execution Monitor.