How to Add New Report Files


Follow this procedure when you want to add a new report file to the base database. You can add the report file and assign it to a user report definition in one step, or you can assign it later.

A user report file can be the main (default) executable file or it can be an auxiliary file used when running a report.

To add a new report file:

  1. From the User Reports Administration main window, do one of the following:

    To add a new report...


    and assign it to a user report definition

    a    Click the User Report Definitions tab.

    b    Select the report definition to which you want to add the report file in the navigation area.

    c     In the Report Files section of the content area, click the Add button: add_button.gif and select New Report File.

    without assigning it to a user report definition

    a    Click the User Report Files tab.

    b    Click the New button: new_rpt_file_button00006.gif in the toolbar.

  2. Enter the report file name in the ID field, up to 25 characters.

  3. Enter the revision level for the report file in the Revision field, up to 15 characters.

  4. Enter the name and location of the file to be added to the database in the File location to add from field, or use the browse button to select it.

  5. Enter the name of the report file to be run in the Filename when running report field, up to 240 characters.

  6. (optional) If assigning the new report file to a report definition, select the Runs Report? check box to designate this report file as the main file for executing the report.

  7. Click OK.

Related Topics

New Report File Dialog Box

About User Report Files

How to Assign and Unassign User Report Files

How to Export and Import User Report Files