Edit Product Dialog Box

The Edit Product dialog box allows you to change details for the selected product.



Rules and Guidelines

Product ID

Specifies the identity of the new product. This value must be unique within the base database.

Display only.


Describe the product. This description will be used throughout the Administration Console.

  • Required.

  • Up to 240 characters.


The default variant which is used for this product whenever new design parts and items are created. A value of A indicates that variants are not used.

Display only.

PCS (revision no.)

The default part change status (PCS) which is used for this product whenever new design parts are created. The PCS specifies the version number of the product's design parts.

Display only.

Created By

The user who created the product.

Display only.

Create Date

The date the product was created.

Display only.

Last Updated By

The user who last modified the product.

Display only.

Update Date

The date the product was last modified.

Display only.

Attributes Tab

Allows you to modify values for any user-defined product attributes.


Related Topics

Modifying Products