Defining an Item Library for an Item Type


Follow this procedure when you want to create or edit the Item Library Definition for a specific item type. This will override the default library.

PRIVILEGES  Manage Libraries

To define an item library:

  1. From the Object Types main window, select the item type for which you want to define a library in the navigation pane. Make sure the Item Libraries section is displayed in the content pane.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Select the network node that holds the item library from the HostName list.

  4. Enter the directory path to the item library on the host node in the Directory Path field.

  5. CAUTION!  Item libraries must not reside in the root directories of Windows drives or shares! This is unsupported, and may cause many operations to fail.

    CAUTION!  When the Dimensions server is installed on Windows 2008 server, item libraries cannot be located in the folders beneath the Program Files folder.

  6. Optionally, complete the rest of the fields in the dialog box.

  7. When you have finished, click OK to commit the details.

NOTE  If you change the location of an item library, Dimensions CM does not relocate the contents of the existing library to reflect this change. You will need to move the library files manually to the new location.

Related Topics

Add/Edit Specific Library Dialog Box

About Item Libraries