When you select a lifecycle in the navigation pane, the content pane displays its individual details. See Content Pane for a Single Lifecycle. When the top level node: is selected in the navigation pane, the content pane displays a table of details for all the lifecycles in the navigation pane. It consists of the following:
A button to display the list of lifecycles as a separate HTML page to print or save.
A button to display the list of lifecycles as comma-separated values to save as a text file.
Column headings for the lifecycle fields. Clicking the icon selects or deselects all the lifecycles in the list. You can change the sort order of the list by clicking the column headings.
A table of lifecycles with the following details:
Field |
Description |
Check Box |
A check box to select or deselect the lifecycle for the operations performed by the toolbar buttons. |
Name |
The name of the Lifecycle. Clicking on the link will open the Edit Lifecycle dialog box for that lifecycle. |
Description |
The description of the lifecycle. |
Creation Date |
The date and time the lifecycle was created. |
Originator |
The user who created the lifecycle. |
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