New Design Part Dialog Box

The New Design Part dialog box allows you to create a design part and specify any user-defined attributes.



Rules and Guidelines

Parent Design Part

The name of the selected design part that will act as the parent of the new design part.

Display only.

Design Part ID

The name of the new design part.

  • Required.

  • Up to 25 characters.

  • Cannot contain a colon (“:”) or semicolon (";") character.

Design Part Category

The type of the new design part. The type determines the design part's lifecycle and user-defined attributes.



The default variant for the new part. The default value is A unless a different variant value was defined for the product.

  • Required.

  • Up to 128 characters.


The default part change status (PCS) for the new part, which specifies the version number. The default value is 1 unless a different PCS value was defined for the product.

  • Required.

  • Up to 3 characters.


A description of the new design part.

  • Required.

  • Up to 240 characters.

Attributes Tab

Allows you to specify values for any user-defined design part attributes.


Related Topics

Defining Design Parts

Editing Design Parts