Once you have defined a project replication configuration, follow this procedure to specify the subordinate projects into which the master site will replicate items. You can also specify whether the subordinate site can replicate branches back to the master site.
A subordinate site can be:
Local: On the same machine that hosts the master DB site.
Remote: On a different machine on the Dimensions CM network that does not host the master DB site.
To define a subordinate site for a project replication:
From the Replication Administration main window, click the Configurations tab.
From the filter in the navigation area, select Project Master.
Select the configuration to which you want to add the subordinate site from the Configurations list.
In the content area, click the Add button: in the Remote Subordinates section or the Local Subordinates section.
For a remote subordinate site (if you have not already defined the appropriate remote subordinate network parameters on the master site, you will need to use the Administration Console Network administration cluster tools before proceeding):
a From the Node name list, select the remote network node.
b From the DB connection list, select the string that you want to use to connect to the database server.
c From the Base database list, select the base database name.
d In the Project field, enter the full specification of the project to receive the replicated items.
e The Is replication enable for this subordinate check box should normally be left checked.
f If you will be using offline/"air-gap" replication, uncheck the Is this online Replication check box.
g If you want to allow replication from the subordinate site back to the master site, check the Is subordinate replicating branches back to the master check box. Initially, you may find it advantageous not to check this check box until you have established and tested replication from the master to the subordinate site.
h Optionally, click the Branches tab and enter the named branches that you want to replicate back to the master site. If you checked the Is subordinate replicating branches back to the master check box, then you should select the requisite named branches on this tab, otherwise all named branches will be selected by default.
i Click OK.
For a local subordinate site:
a From the Project list, select the local project to receive the replicated items from the master site. If you have a long list, you can enter search text in the Filter text field—the list will automatically be filtered to reflect what you type.
b If you want to allow replication from the subordinate site back to the master site, check the Is subordinate replicating branches back to the master check box. Initially, you may find it advantageous not to check this check box until you have established and tested replication from the master to the subordinate site.
c Optionally, click the Branches tab and enter the named branches that you want to replicate back to the master site. If you checked the Is subordinate replicating branches back to the master check box, then you should select the requisite named branches on this tab, otherwise all named branches will be selected by default.
d Click OK.
e Restart the Serena Dimensions Listener service.
Related Topics
New/Edit Remote Subordinate Dialog Box for Projects