Development Manager Configuration

Configure Dimensions RM | LAST ›|

If you have configured an installation of Development Manager 1.2 that does not include Requirements Manager, you will have carried out the steps described in the Serena Development Manager Installation and Configuration Guide to disable certain elements that are required by Requirements Manager. You will therefor need to reverse those changes now in order to implement Requirements Manager.

Do NOT perform these procedures unless you are configuring a new installation of Requirements Manager to work with a pre-existing implementation of Development Manager.

Unhiding the Requirements Manager-Related Forms

  1. Open SBM Composer.

  2. Open a process app, for example Dev Change Requests.

  3. Select Visual Design.

  4. Under Forms, select Change Request Base State Form.

  5. Select Actions in the Property Editor.

  6. Uncheck the Enabled check box for Hide RQM Data.

  7. Repeat Step-4 thru Step-6 for:

  8. Repeat Step-2 thru Step-6 for:

  9. Deploy the Process Apps after completing the above steps.

Adding Requirements Manager-Related Columns to Report Definitions

  1. Open SBM Composer.

  2. In SBM Composer, open a process app, for example Dev Change Requests.

  3. Select Report Definitions.

  4. Select CRs associated to this Project.

  5. Add the column Associated Requirements by dragging it onto the form.

  6. Repeat the above steps for CRs Associated to this Dev Package.

  7. Deploy the Process Apps after completing the above steps.

Adding Requirements Manager-Related Columns from Reports

  1. Open the SBM User Workspace by entering the following in a web browser:


  2. Log in as Admin.

  3. Select the Dev Change Requests Project.

  4. Select Reports.

  5. Click the Edit button for CR(s) associated to this Dev Package.

  6. Add the column Associated Requirements.

  7. Repeat these steps for the report CR(s) associated to this Project.

  8. Deploy the Process Apps after completing the above steps.