If you attempt to create a release train, application release, or release package and the operation fails with the following error:
Error occurred during web service invocation:
SOAP Fault Code: env:Client
SOAP Fault String: checkUniquness: Blank: The error occurred during the execution of the orchestration workflow.
it may indicate that the Serena Release Manager Web services are defined for a different port number than the one on which the Serena Common Tomcat services are currently running.
Possible causes are as follows.
If you are using the default port number of 9095, check to make sure that the correct version of the rlm.war file is installed under the Serena common Web services and that no older version of the rlm.war file is present in the ..\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0\webapps directory.
If you are using a non-default port number (not 9095), ensure that you have followed the recommended procedures for configuring this. This message may indicated that you have not changed the port in the Web services WSDLs. See Configuring Release Manager to Use a Different Port.