Serena Development Manager includes the following:
Development Control, a collection of process apps implemented on the Serena Business Manager platform. A process app is a Web application, hosted on a Business Manager server, that you can log into and use from any supported Web browser. With the included process apps, Development Control orchestrates your development work across all of your inter-related systems. The included process apps are:
ALM Projects: Use this app to define and track development projects. This process app sets the workflow for all projects, including states for planning, development, testing, and release. As a project progresses through the workflow, different users work with it using a combination of their own systems.
Dev Change Requests: Define and track development requests. You can relate requests tasks in the Development Tasks process app, which you can then relate to source code assets in Dimensions CM. You can also relate specific types of requests, such as defects, to test cases in your test management system.
Dev Tasks: Define and track development tasks. Manage tasks by relating them to change requests. Track source code changes by relating tasks to source files in Dimensions CM.
Dev Packages: Define and manage development packages. Integrate with your SCM tool to compile and build source code, and integrate with your test management system to test builds before preparing them for release.
Serena Dimensions CM, a rich enterprise-class version and source code configuration management solution. Dimensions CM provides a wide variety of clients and usage models, with Web and desktop clients, as well as complete scripting and API support. Development Control integrates with Dimensions CM via Web services, enabling you to associate source code assets in the Dimensions CM repository with your tasks in Development Control.
Serena Dashboard (optional), a powerful, highly configurable reporting solution built on the IBI WebFocus platform. With Serena Dashboard, you can build dashboards of graphs that provide precisely the information you, your managers, and your executives need, when they need it.
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