Projects → Task Plan → Viewing Options → Gantt Chart
Gantt Charts are the primary tool for project managers, and are the main workspace of your project. A Gantt chart consists of a hierarchical spreadsheet on the left which lists your tasks, and a time-scaled diagram off to the right. It enables you to see both the tasks in your project, their structure, and their ordering in time.
The spreadsheet shows the Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) of your project with tasks broken down into various levels of detailed subtasks. You can create a task hierarchy directly on the spreadsheet by selecting task rows and clicking on the indent/outdent buttons. The context menu you get when right-clicking on the spreadsheet will give you these options as well.
Using the Mouse
By clicking and dragging, you can perform several manipulations on tasks. The mouse cursor will change based on where it is positioned and will guide you on the action that will be taken. You can:
You can also perform the following
The diagram part of the Gantt Chart shows a time axis on top, with bars for each task in the spreadsheet. By default, the diagram shows the following:
Standard Gantt features
Additional Gantt diagram features
Changing the Gantt appearance
Printing the Gantt chart
There is currently no fit-to-page option. However, you have some control over what's printed by zooming the time axis and modifying what columns are displayed in the Spreadsheet. You can also fold tasks that are not necessary to see.
The only option in OpenProj to plot a large Gantt chart on one page is to use a PDF writer (such as CutePDF on Windows or CUPS on unix/linux). Select that as the printer, set page size to A0 (or other plotter size), then using Print Preview, select [One Big Page] on the menu bar at right and print.
Projects On Demand lets you customize your document so you can scale it to a specific number of pages. In addition, it also has native PDF printing functionality. See the Print Preview dialog.
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