
The PES_Class table contains type information for various object types. Specifically, it contains the definitions for each item type. These definitions contain various properties which govern system behavior.

Column Data Type Description
cls_XMLName nvarchar(60) Each type has a unique name which can be used to identify it.
cls_UID int Every type has a unique identifier. Many other tables reference this field.
cls_Name nvarchar(50) The name of a particular type.
cls_IsActive bit Specifies an active object that will available in various screens and operations. A value of "1" indicates that the object is active.
cls_IsCreatable bit Specifies whether a new instance of the type can be created by a user. A value of "1" indicates that the object is creatable.
cls_CanSelfAllocate bit Specifies whether this item type allows self-allocation. Security still applies on the instance of the item. A value of "1" indicates that users can self allocate to this item type, by default.
cls_CanSelfAssign bit Specifies whether this item type allows self-assignment. Security still applies on the instance of the item. A value of "1" indicates that users can self assign to this object, by default.
cls_InheritAllocations bit Specifies whether this item type inherits its allocations from a parent item or whether direct allocation is allowed. A value of "1" indicates that this item inherits allocations.