Advanced Investment Criteria section is used to search for specific
work item data.
- Rules Lists all of the current rules set up for the work item search criteria.
- Up Moves the selected rule up in the Rules list.
- Down Moves the selected rule down in the Rules list.
- Delete Removes the selected rule from the Rules list.
- And Select this option to indicate that the work item you are searching for must meet the conditions of the selected rule and all other rules that do not begin with Or.
- Or Select this option to indicate that the work item you are searching for must meet the conditions of the selected rule, or all the rules that do not begin with Or, or another rule that begins with Or.
- Attribute Select the attribute you want to create a search rule for from this list. Only the attributes that have been marked as searchable in the System Settings module are displayed in the Attribute list.
- Comparison Select the test you want to apply to the attribute selected in the Attribute list.
- Compare To Select what the search criteria should compare the attribute to: This specific value. Select the this specific value option and type a value in the box below the options to only search for a work item with the Comparison relationship to the value you specified for the selected attribute. If you are searching for a percentage value, type the percentage decimal value in the Compare To box. For example, you would type .20 in the Compare To box for 20 percent. Select the another attribute option and select an attribute from the list below the options to only search for a work item with the Comparison relationship between the two selected attributes.
- Update Click this button to update the selected search rule.
- Add Click this button to add the rule to the search.
- Documents This section is used to determine whether to use document keywords, title, and/or description when searching for documents. Document file names are always searched.
- Keywords Select this check box to search document keywords when searching for documents.
- Title Select this check box to search document keywords when searching for documents.
- Description Select this check box to search document descriptions when searching for documents.
- Extended Options This section is used to determine whether any work item is searched or only the work item and its descendants currently selected in the Items pane.
- All Investments Select this option to search any work item.
- Selected investments and descendants Select this option to only search the work item currently selected in the Portfolios pane and any descendants.