Reference → Demand Management Web Service
This section details the methods and parameters for the Demand Management Web Service. The Demand Management Web Service is available at the URL http://<asppserver>/Mariner/WebServices/DemandManagement.asmx, where <appserver> is the application server. The WSDL for this set of methods can be retrieved at the URL http://<asppserver>/Mariner/WebServices/DemandManagement.asmx?wsdl.
Several of the methods use a parameter called attribute[]. This is an array of key/value pairs where the key is the XML name of the attribute, and the value is the string representation of the value. The value string will need to be formatted in such a way that it can be converted into the correct type to match the attribute type.
Date types should be in ISO 8061 format and will be assumed to be in UTC.
Note: The Demand Management web service provides a WSDL. Although the WSDL indicates that some parameter arrays are optional, passing a null value into these arrays can in some instances generate runtime exceptions. It is recommended to pass an empty array, rather than a null, to the web service.
List attributes can be set by supplying the list item name for the value.
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