
This method retrieves tasks and assignments for a project task plan associated with an item. It returns an array of type task, which contains the following fields:

Field Datatype Description
id string The task ID.
parent string The task ID of the parent task.
path string Identifies the task's hierarchy in the task plan.
externalId string The ID from an external system which is set by the AssociateTasks method.
title string The title of the task.
attributes attribute[] The key/value pairs of the attributes requested in the taskAttributeKeys parameter of the method call.
assignments assignment[] List of assignments for the task which match the filter supplied in the assignmentFilter parameter of the method call. The assignments are of the form:
  • assignmentId string The assignment ID.
  • taskId string The task ID.
  • resource string The user name of the resource assigned to the task.
  • attributes attribute[] The key/value pairs of the attributes requested in the assignmentAttributeKeys parameter of the method call.
Task and assignment IDs are strings, not integers as in items and work items.

The parameters for the GetTaskPlan method are:

Parameter Datatype Description
token string The token returned by the Connect method.
sourceName string Name of external application used in AssociateTasks method. Passing a sourceName will cause the associated set of external IDs to be retrieved with the tasks.
investmentId integer The item ID of task plan.
taskAttributeKeys string[] A list of XML names for the desired task attributes to be returned.
assignmentAttributeKeys string[] A list of XML names for the desired assignment attributes to be returned.
taskFilter filterRule[] Filter for which tasks should be returned.
assignmentFilter filterRule[] Filter for which assignments should be returned.

FilterRules are structures of the form:

Field Datatype Description
key string XML Name of the attribute to filter on.
op string The comparison operator. If multiple filter rules are specified, they are ORed together. If the filter value is null, then the attribute will be tested for nullity. The comparison operators can be as follows:
  • eq, =, == EQUAL The filter value matches the attribute value exactly.
  • ne, !=, <> NOT EQUAL The filter value does not match the attribute value.
  • lt, < LESS THAN The attribute value is less than the filter value.
  • gt, > GREATER THAN The attribute value is greater than the filter value.
String, list, and URL attributes should only be used with the EQUAL and NOT EQUAL filter rules.
value string The attribute value to compare.