User Actions → Work Items → Summary
You can use the work item properties dialog box to manage data about the work item, including data that is specific to the work item type (such as epics, stories, or tasks), data that is used for tracking progress against that work item, notes that may have been entered by team members, and a history of changes that have been made to the various settings related to the work item.
This tab in the Work Item Properties dialog box is used to view and update certain properties which relate to the work item, such as (for a story) Acceptance Criteria, Business Value, and Story State. The name of the tab is determined by the work item for which you are currently viewing properties. Depending on the work type, the following fields may be available from this tab:
Fields | Description |
Acceptance Criteria | The criteria to be completed before a work item can be accepted. |
Business Value | The business value for a work item. |
Description | The description of a work item in the application, such as a task, work item, summary, and so on. |
Development Owner | The name of the resource who has been assigned to do the actual work related to the work item. |
Estimated Effort | The amount of effort, measured in story points, required to complete all of the work associated with a work item. |
Name | The name of a task (or a task plan). |
Priority | Indicates the importance of the task in relation to other tasks. 500 is the default value; 1000 is the highest priority and 0 is the lowest priority. The higher the number, the higher the priority. |
Quality Assurance Owner | The name of the tester who has been assigned to do validate the quality of the work related to the work item. |
Remaining Effort | The amount of effort, measured in story points, required to finish all of the remaining work associated with a work item. |
State | The state of a task. |
Status | The current status of a work item, task, or project. |
Story State | The current state of a work item, such as Not Started, In Development, In Testing, Ready for Review, and Accepted. |
Task Hours Actual | The actual hours required to complete actual work. |
Task Hours Estimated | concepts_field_estimated_hours |
Task Hours Remaining | The amount of effort, measured in acutal hours, that are required to finish all of the remaining work that is associated with a work item. |
Theme | The name of the theme that is associated with a work item. |
The Tracking tab in the Work Item Properties dialog box is used to show tracking details about how the work being done against a work item is progressing. Depending on the work type, the following fields may be available from this tab:
Fields | Description |
Created By | The name of the resource who initially created the task, task plan, work item, and so on. |
Created Date | The date on which a task, task plan, work item, and so on, was created. |
Dev Owner | The name of the resource who has been assigned to do the actual work related to the work item. |
Estimated Effort | The amount of effort, measured in story points, required to complete all of the work associated with a work item. |
Item ID | The unique ID for the work item. |
Last Modified By | The unique ID for the work item. |
Last Modified Date | The date on which the most recent changes were made to the task, task plan, or work item. |
Parent Item | The unique ID for the parent task. |
Product | The name of the product. |
Product Owner | The name of the product owner who has been assigned to approve the work related to the work item. |
QA Owner | The name of the tester who has been assigned to do validate the quality of the work related to the work item. |
Release | The name of the release. |
Remaining Effort | The amount of effort, measured in story points, required to finish all of the remaining work associated with a work item. |
Sprint | The name of the sprint. |
Task Hours Actual | The actual hours required to complete actual work. |
Task Hours Estimated | The amount of effort, measured in acutal hours, that are required to complete all of the work that is associated with a work item. |
Task Hours Remaining | The amount of effort, measured in acutal hours, that are required to finish all of the remaining work that is associated with a work item. |
Team | The group of individual resources who comprise a Scrum team, typically a single product owner, several engineers and testers, and (occasionally) other resources, such as support, documentation, and sales. |
Work State | The current state of a work item, such as Not Started, In Development, In Testing, Ready for Review, and Accepted. |