
The WorkItem type represents a work item and the attributes that are set for it. This type is used as a parameter for the GetWorkItem, CreateWorkItem, UpdateItem, UpdateWorkItem methods. It is used as a member of the Item and WorkItem types. The parameters for the ItemAttribute method are:

Parameter Datatype Description
id int The Id associated with the work item.
parentId int The Id associated with the parent of the work item.
backlogId string If the work item is assigned to a backlog, this parameter is the Id associated with the backlog.
name string The name given to the work item.
externalId string The Id of the work item in another system, such as SBM.
itemType string The system name of the type of the work item, as shown in the table below.
attributes ItemAttribute[] An array of key/value pairs representing the attribute set on the work item.

System names for work item types are shown in the following table:

Item type System name
Defect Agile_Defect
Epic Agile_Epic
Story PES-User-Story
Task Agile_Task