Actioning Release Packages Through the Workflow

As you work with release packages, you are presented with buttons on the user interface for workflow actions that are available to you. The release package workflow is a conditional workflow that allows for default paths for each release type, Major, Minor, and Emergency. The workflow actions available for each release type are the actions needed to support the release stages for that release type.

A simplified representation of the default workflow path for a major release package is shown in the following figure.


The actions that appear here are:

For example, after you approve a release package, the release package goes into the Ready for Deployment state, and the release package form shows the next action, Deploy.

The stage to which the release package is deployed depends on the type of release package and in which stage the release package currently resides.

The progression to Passed Testing, Failed Testing, Deployed, or Failed Deployment is typically done automatically based on the results of deployment tasks associated with a release package. If a release package fails testing or deployment, the Back to Development action becomes available to allow for rework and re-deployment.

For information on preparing release packages for deployment and deploying them, see Automating Deployment Processes and Deploying and Installing Releases.

For information on how the workflows in Serena Release Manager work together, see Progressing Releases Through Their Lifecycles.