Creating Manual Deployment Tasks

Certain actions necessary to deployment may need to be executed manually as part of the deployment process.

You can create manual tasks needed to deploy a release package into a specific stage (environment).

You can do the following:

The sequence number is used to specify order of execution of the tasks associated with a request package. The manual deployment task is specific to a single stage.

To create a manual deployment task:

  1. From a release package or deployment process template view, navigate to the Deployment tasks tab.

  2. Select a stage for which this task will be executed.

  3. Click Create Task.

    The Create Deployment Task form appears.

  4. In Task Type, select Manual.

    The Task Type: Manual form appears in the form.

  5. Fill out the Manual form.

    For example:

    1. Enter Task name and Sequence number.

    2. Select the primary and secondary owners for the task.

    3. Optionally enter a description.

  6. Click OK.

The manual task is saved. It must be manually executed according to its sequential order when the release package to which it is associated is deployed to the specified stage.