Creating Dimensions CM Vault Deployment Tasks

Vault deployment tasks integrate with Dimensions CM and ChangeMan ZMF to secure deployment of deployment units.

If you are using a Dimensions CM vault, you can create a vault deployment task used to deploy a deployment unit, or baseline, for a release package into a particular stage environment.

You can do the following:

The sequence number is used to specify order of execution of the tasks associated with a request package. The vault deployment task is specific to a single stage.

To execute a vault deployment task for deployment of files stored in Dimensions CM, Serena Release Manager needs information on the Dimensions CM stage and deployment area.

To create a Dimensions CM vault deployment task:

  1. From a release package or deployment process template view, navigate to the Deployment tab and then select the Deployment tasks tab.

  2. Select a stage for which this task will be executed.

  3. Click Create Task.

    The Create Deployment Task form appears.

  4. In Task Type, select Vault.

    The Task Type: Vault form appears.

  5. Fill out the Vault form.

    For example:

    1. Enter Task name and Sequence number.

    2. Click Get units to refresh the list of deployment units, or baselines, stored in Dimensions CM, and then select a deployment unit.

    3. Click Get stages to refresh the list of stages for the selected deployment unit, and then select a stage.

    4. Click Get areas to refresh the list of deployment areas for the selected stage.

    5. Specify the Schedule execution time, the date and time at which you want the deployment task to be initiated.

    6. Select the primary and secondary owners for the task.

    7. Optionally enter a description.

    NOTE When you create a deployment task for a deployment process template, you may not be prompted for some of the details. These should be added later when you add the deployment tasks to a release package.

  6. Click OK.

The vault task is saved. It will be executed according to its sequential order when the release package to which it is associated is deployed to the specified stage.

NOTE If Dimensions CM is used as your deployment unit provider, baselines are displayed for selection only if they are in release mode and are in one of the statuses defined by your Serena Release Manager administrator.

For more information, see Serena ALM Installation and Configuration.