Synchronizing Published Requirements

Requirements within Prototype Composer that have either been published to Dimensions RM or imported from Dimensions RM may be synchronized with their Dimensions RM counterparts. Synchronizing a Prototype Composer requirement pulls in any changes from the associated Dimensions RM requirement that have been since the time the association was made or the last time the requirements were synchronized and vice-versa.

As a result of synchronization, the associated requirements within Dimensions RM are modified such that the changes made to the attributes of the Dimensions RM requirements are mapped to Prototype Composer requirement fields.

To synchronize requirements, you must have previously published Prototype Composer requirements to Dimensions RM, or previously imported requirements from Dimensions RM into Prototype Composer.

To perform the synchronization, click Synchronize with RM in the Project Requirements View.

Five types of synchronizations are carried out by Prototype Composer. The synchronizations and the scenarios under which they are carried out are explained below:

Type of Synchronization  



Get Latest (for single or multiple files)

When the requirement file version available in Dimensions RM is later than the version in Prototype Composer.


  • A message is displayed to indicate that the Dimensions RM version is later than Prototype Composer version.

  • On clicking the Yes button, Prototype Composer version is overwritten by the Dimensions RM version.

  • You will notice that the requirement files are displayed in bold on the Requirements window.

Replace (for single or multiple files)

When the requirement file version available in Prototype Composer is later than the version in Dimensions RM.


  • The Dimensions RM version is overwritten by Prototype Composer version.

  • You will notice that the requirement files are displayed in bold on the Requirements window.


Merge (for single or multiple files)

When the requirement file version available in Prototype Composer and the Dimensions RM version are different.

  • A message is displayed to indicate that Prototype Composer version differs from the Dimensions RM version.

  • On clicking the Yes button, a two panel merge window with Prototype Composer version and the Dimensions RM version details is displayed. Note that Prototype Composer version is a read/write panel whereas Dimensions RM is a read only panel. Make the necessary changes in the Prototype Composer panel. Select the Merge button. The modified data is saved to Prototype Composer and the Dimensions RM data is overwritten. The links in Prototype Composer will be overwritten by Dimensions RM links.

  • You will notice that the requirement files are displayed in bold on the Requirements window.


Update (for a single file)

When the requirement file version available in Dimensions RM is later than the version in Prototype Composer.

  • A message is displayed to indicate that the Dimensions RM version is later than Prototype Composer version.

  • On clicking the Yes button, Prototype Composer version is overwritten by the Dimensions RM version.

  • You will notice that the requirement files are displayed in bold on the Requirements window.


Delete Mapped Requirements



During the synchronization process, the Prototype Composer requirements are deleted in Prototype Composer when the mapped requirements are either deleted or removed from Dimensions RM.


  • A message "Requirement has been deleted in Dimensions RM. Requirement will be deleted in Prototype Composer too. Do you want to proceed further?” is displayed.

  • On clicking the OK or Delete To All button, Prototype Composer requirements are removed.

Note: Even without the synchronization process, mapped RM Requirements will be automatically deleted in Dimensions RM when the requirements are deleted in Prototype Composer.

Note: Links (associations) information are also updated during the synchronization process based on the type of synchronization carried out.

To turn-off edit requirements option in Prototype Composer, edit the isEditRequirements key registry entry available in the path My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\PrototypeComposer by setting the value to "False".

Note: To turn-off edit requirements option, the Prototype Composer requirements must be in Read-only format.

Changes made to the requirements within Dimensions RM are now reflected in the associated Prototype Composer requirements.

Note: This concept is different from importing a Dimensions RM requirement into Prototype Composer.