Management → Managing Components
Components typically map to a functional part of a real world application, and represent deployable items, or artifacts, such as files, images, databases, and configuration materials.
Components have user-defined component processes that operate on those items, usually by deploying them. Components have versions, which are used to ensure that proper component instances get deployed.
When you create a component, you identify the source and define how the artifacts will be brought into Deployment Automation. The artifacts can come from a number of sources, such as file systems, build servers such as Jenkins, configuration management systems such as Dimensions CM, source control systems such as Subversion and PVCS, and Maven repositories. Each component represents artifacts from a single source.
Upon automatic or manual version import, Deployment Automation imports the component's artifacts into the Deployment Automation artifact repository, CodeStation. This stores component versions.
You create and configure components in the user interface as detailed in the following topics:
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