Installing and Configuring the z/OS Agent

z/OS mainframe system requirements:

During the installation you will need the names of:

Note: sudo, ssh, and su impersonation is not available with the z/OS agent.

To install the z/OS Deployment Automation agent:

  1. Download the z/OS agent archive, for example:
  2. Unzip the downloaded file. This should create a folder called: zos-agent-install
  3. Create the z/OS mainframe PDS dataset where the DA agent JCL procedure and batch job will be deployed, for example: MF.DAAGENT.JCLLIB

  4. Edit the file and set values for the following z/OS installation properties:

    z/OS DA Agent environment properties agent name, for example: ZOS_DA-Agent

    zos.agent.home.dir: home directory where the agent will be installed, for example: /MicroFocus/DA-Agent Java home directory where Java 8 64-bit is installed.

    da.server.hostname: Micro Focus Deployment Automation server host name. optional Java virtual machine debug options, for example: "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:10001,server=y,suspend=n" optional Java virtual machine debug options, for example: "-Xmx512m"

    z/OS DA Agent encoding properties

    zos.agent.stdout.encoding: z/OS encoding used for plugin steps output, for example: Cp1047

    zos.agent.console.encoding: z/OS console encoding, for example: Cp1047

    zos.agent.file.encoding: z/OS file encoding, for example: Cp1047

    z/OS Connection properties

    zos.hostname: host name where the DA agent will be installed.

    zos.ftp.port: port used for FTP on z/OS.

    zos.ftp.userid: user that will be used to install the DA agent into z/OS.

    zos.ftp.pwd: user password.

    z/OS DA Agent Batch Job or Started Task properties

    zos.da.jcllib: the mainframe PDS dataset where the batch or started task procedure and batch job will be deployed, for example: CHGMAN.B.CMN.DAAGENT.JCLLIB the mainframe PDS dataset load library where the Java Virtual Machine module is installed, for example: CHGMAN.B.CMN.JZOS.LOAD

    zos.taskname: the DA agent task name to use.

    zos.jobname: the DA agent batch job name to use when the batch job is submitted.

    zos.jobclass: the system job class assigned to the DA agent batch job. The class will determine the dispatching priority of the batch job.

    zos.jobowner: the job owner of the DA agent batch job. specify whether to run JZOS in LPA (true/false).

  5. Use the following command to deploy the z/OS agent to DA:


    Windows: deploy-agent.bat

  6. Choose one of the following install options:

    installAgent: configure the DA agent properties based on information specified in Deploys the DA agent to z/OS.

    uninstallAgent: remove the DA agent from z/OS based on information specified in

    reinstallAgent: perform uninstallAgent and then installAgent (as described above).

  7. To start the agent run this z/OS command: /S zos.taskname

    To stop the agent run this z/OS command: /P zos.taskname

    Replace zos.taskname with the DA agent task name (see

  8. When running the agent as a started task, set a RACF STARTED profile: RDEF STARTED procname*.* STDATA(USER(userid) TRUSTED(NO))
  9. When running with JZOS in LPA, execute the following command once per LPAR IPL: SETPROG ADD,LPA,DSN=java.loadlib,MEMBER=JVMLDM86

  10. To run the DA Agent as a batch job execute the following TSO command:

    TSO SUBMIT 'zos.da.jcllib(zos.jobname)'

    Replace the variable zos.da.jcllib with the name of the mainframe PDS dataset where the DA agent procedure and batch job is installed (see

    Replace the variable zos.jobname with the name of the batch job (see

    Verify that the owner or submitter of the z/OS DA agent batch job has full permission to access the z/OS DA agent home directory.