Installing the ALM Connector Services

The ALM Connector services must be installed into the Deployment Automation application server before the Deployment Automation ChangeMan ZMF plugin can be used to access ChangeMan ZMF.

Important: The ALM Connector services are supported only in a Tomcat application server.

Install the services as follows:

  1. Download the ALM Connector bundle zip file from the Support website. For example,, where vvv is the version of ALM Connector.
  2. Extract the files from the zip file.
  3. Stop the Common Tomcat application server under which Deployment Automation is running. For example, Micro Focus Common Tomcat.
  4. Copy the ALM Connector war files to the application server location where the Deployment Automation da.war file is deployed. The default location is as follows:

    C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.5\webapps

    The ALM Connector war files are as follows:





  5. Start Common Tomcat.