(UNIX/Linux) Agent Silent Installation Options Examples

This section contain examples of optionsFile.txt file configurations for an agent silent installation on a Linux or a UNIX platform.

Example 1: Agent UNIX/Linux platforms optionsFile.txt

Using this optionsFile.txt, during installation the agent will be configured to connect directly with the server on serverabc (not through an agent relay), will turn mutual authentication mode on for the agent and install a new JRE.

-P installLocation="/opt/Micro \ Focus/Deployment Automation Agent"
-V IS_DESTINATION="/opt/Micro \ Focus/Deployment Automation Agent"
-V AgentName="agent123"
-V UseRelayYes="false"
-V ServerHost=serverabc
-V ServerPort="7918"
-V ServerMutAuth="true"
-V JreNew="true"

Example 2: Agent UNIX/Linux platforms optionsFile.txt

Using this optionsFile.txt, during installation the agent will be configured to use an agent relay named relayagent01 on port 7916 to connect to the server. Mutual Authentication for the agent will be turned on, and the agent will be configured to point to and use the JRE that currently exists in: /opt/Java/.

-P installLocation="/opt/Micro \ Focus/Deployment Automation Agent"
-V IS_DESTINATION="/opt/Micro \ Focus/Deployment Automation Agent"
-V AgentName="agentABC"
-V UseRelayYes="true"
-V RelayHost="relayagent01"
-V RelayPort="7916"
-V ServerMutAuth="true"
-V JreNew="false"
-V JreInstallLoc="/opt/Java/"