Adding Component Environment Properties

Component environment properties are user-defined properties that you can define on the component and then give unique values for each of the environments mapped to the component. This lets you run the same process step in multiple environments that have different configurations; Deployment Automation resolves the property values as the component is deployed to each environment. For example, you may have different web server instances on each environment, and can add a component environment property and enter a different value for each environment, DEV, INT, UAT, and PROD.

To add component environment properties:

  1. Navigate to Management > Components > [select component] > Details.
  2. In the selection box, select Environment Properties.
  3. Click the Add Property button.
  4. Fill in the fields as shown in the following table.
    Field Description
    Name Property name
    Description Property description
    Label Enter a label to be associated with the property in the user interface.
    Required Select this if the property is required.
    Specify the type of expected value. The supported types are as follows:
    • text
    • text area
    • check box
    • select
    • multi select
    • secure
    The default type is text.
    Default Value Enter a default value (if any).
  5. Click Save.

You can now set values for the property in each of this component's application environments. See Setting Component Environment Property Values.

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