System Tools and Scripting Plugins → FileUtils Plugin → Flip File Endings Step
This step flips file line endings.
Required properties:
Property Name | Description |
Include Files |
Specify a new-line-separated list of paths to the files to include. Pattern Matching Rules: * matches zero or more characters ? matches one character ** matches zero or more directories Examples: *.java - matches .java,, and ?.java - matches, **/*.txt - matches all txt files recursively **/CVS/* - matches all files in CVS directories anywhere in the directory tree org/apache/jakarta/** - matches all files in the org/apache/jakarta directory tree org/apache/**/CVS/* - matches all files in CVS directories anywhere in the in the directory tree under org/apache/ **/test/** - matches all files that have a test element in their path, including test as a filename |
Optional properties:
Property Name | Description |
Exclude Files | Specify a new-line-separated list of file/directory patterns to exclude. Pattern matching rules are the same as those listed in Include Files. |
Ending | The line ending type to use |
Source File Encoding | Specify the encoding of the source file. If none, the plugin will attempt to automatically detect the file encoding. If the attempt fails, UTF-8 encoding will be used by default. |
Destination File Encoding | Specify the encoding to use for the resulting file. If none, the plugin will determine the encoding from the source file. |
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