Introduction → Deployment Automation Overview → Terminology
Before you get started with Deployment Automation, here are some terms you should know.
Applications bring together components with their deployment targets and orchestrate multi-component deployments.
Components typically map to a functional part of a real world application, and represent deployable items, or artifacts, such as files, images, databases, and configuration materials.
Plugins provide functionality in discrete steps to be used in component and global processes for configuration of or deployment into target environments.
Environments represent logical deployment locations. Your deployment processes must run in at least one environment. Environments and their resources are used by applications and components at runtime.
Resources represent a deployment target on a Deployment Automation environment. Examples include physical machines, virtual machines, databases, or J2EE containers.
A pipeline is a pre-defined sequence of environments in which application process requests are executed.
Agents are physical resources for deployment. To run a deployment, an agent must be installed on the target server.
Agent relays are used to manage communication between servers and agents. Agent relays are typically used when agents are dispersed across geographic locations or must communicate through firewalls. Agent relays can also be used to manage network traffic in implementations where you have many agents.
Deployment packages enable you to deploy artifacts for multiple applications. They may also include component processes where components are shared among multiple applications and associated versions are to be deployed as part of the larger package.
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