Walk-through → Step 6: Creating an Application
An application brings together all deployment components by identifying its components, mapping them to the application resources they will use, and identifying the target environments for the deployment. You can add environments to the application individually or by using a pipeline, which is a pre-defined sequence of environments.
To deploy the helloWorld component, you must create an application. An application, as used by Deployment Automation, is a mechanism that deploys components into environments using application processes.
After you create the application, you configure it as follows:
To create an application:
There are no naming requirements. However, the number of associated items, for example, components, processes, applications, and environments, can become large. You should use a naming scheme that makes it easy to identify related items.
Deployment Automation integrates with LDAP and email servers, which enables it to send event-based notifications. For example, if an email server and user email IDs have been configured, the default notification scheme will send an email when a deployment finishes. Notifications can also play a role in deployment approvals.
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