About this Release
Welcome to Deployment Automation version 6.2.1 See the What's New tab for a list of new features in the latest release.
If you have an existing installation that you want to upgrade, see Server Upgrades.
Supported Configurations
Detailed information about supported platforms and software configuration is available in the Supported Platform List.
Third-party Tools
For more information regarding third-party software copyrights and license information, refer to the Attribution Report.
Deployment Automation
What's New
For information on changes included in this release, see the following:
Enhancements and New Features
The following enhancements and new features are included in this release.
- Property Picker
The property picker enables you to find and select properties in the process designer, process wizard, and properties editor.
- Dynamic Agent Registration
You can now dynamically register agents by specifying internal agent names, which are resolved automatically on remote machines.
- Other Enhancements
- You can now use LDAP authorization realms with SSO authentication realms.
- Resource blackouts prevent deployment to a resource.
- Component templates have been extended to include manual tasks and version property definitions.
- Agent startup uses systemd services.
- Amazon EC2 plugin: you can now remove volumes and secret keys are masked as secured values.
- Weblogic plugin: you can now stop Weblogic instances.
For details on the new features and installation and configuration, see the Deployment Automation User's Guide or User's Help on Documentation Center.
Defect Fixes
In addition to the enhancements, a number of defects were addressed.
Visit the Knowledge Base to see the defects fixed in this release.
Server Upgrades
This section provides important information for upgrades to the Deployment Automation 6.2.1 server. Before you upgrade, review the following sections, and then proceed with the upgrade.
Backing Up Deployment Automation
Before upgrading the server, you should back up your current server as follows:
- Stop Common Tomcat.
- Run the following backups in any order.
- These backups should be done in a single session while Common Tomcat is stopped so that the data stays in sync.
- The default profile and installation locations are different in version 6.1.4 and later than in earlier versions of Deployment Automation.
- Back up your database. If Derby is used this step can be omitted.
- Back up your
Deployment Automation
profile folder and its subfolders.
The default location of the profile for Deployment Automation version 6.1.4 and later is:
Windows: C:\Users\username\.microfocus\da
UNIX/Linux: /opt/MicroFocus/da/username/.microfocus/da
where username is the name of the system user under which the server was installed
The default location of the profile for Deployment Automation versions earlier than 6.1.4 is:
Windows: C:\Users\username\.serena\ra
UNIX/Linux: /opt/serena/sra/username/.serena/ra
Tip:To find the location of your profile for earlier versions of Deployment Automation, view the installed.properties file under the da or serena_ra web application and look at the installLocation property. You can find the installed properties in the Common Tomcat web application conf folder.
The default location for the installed.properties file for Deployment Automation version 6.1.5 and later is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.5\webapps\da\conf
UNIX/Linux: /opt/MicroFocus/da/common/tomcat/8.5/webapps/da/conf
The default location for the installed.properties file for Deployment Automation version 6.1.4 is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.0\webapps\da\conf
UNIX/Linux: /opt/MicroFocus/da/common/tomcat/8.0/webapps/da/conf
The default location for the installed.properties file for Deployment Automation versions 6.0 to 6.1.3 is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\8.0\webapps\serena_ra\conf
UNIX/Linux: /opt/serena/sra/common/tomcat/8.0/webapps/serena_ra/conf
- If you have any subfolders in your profile that are virtual links pointing to external storage such as relocated CodeStation directories, you should back up those external storage locations as well.
- Back up your
da or
serena_ra web application. It is recommended
that you back up the entire
webapps folder, but at minimum back up the web
application folder and its subfolders.
The default location for Deployment Automation version 6.1.5 and later is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.5\webapps\da
UNIX/Linux: /opt/MicroFocus/da/common/tomcat/8.5/webapps/da
The default location for Deployment Automation version 6.1.4 is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.0\webapps\da
UNIX/Linux: /opt/MicroFocus/da/common/tomcat/8.0/webapps/da
The default location for versions 6.0 to 6.1.3 is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\8.0\webapps\serena_ra
UNIX/Linux: /opt/serena/sra/common/tomcat/8.0/webapps/serena_ra
- Continue with your upgrade.
Upgrading Servers
You can upgrade to this release from the following on Common Tomcat servers only:
- Deployment Automation versions 5.1.2 to 6.2.0.
- Serena Release Automation versions 5.1 and 5.1.1
If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 6.1.5 to 6.2, we recommend upgrading as follows to ensure a smooth upgrade of the Common Tools, Tomcat and JRE. This is especially important for servers on UNIX/Linux.
- For versions 6.1 to 6.1.3, upgrade to 6.1.4, then to 6.1.5, and then to 6.2.
- For version 6.0, you can upgrade directly to 6.2.
- For versions 5.1 to 5.1.6, upgrade to 6.0, then to 6.2.
- For versions earlier than version 5.1, first upgrade from that version to version 5.1 as documented in the version 5.1 Deployment Automation User's Guide, and then upgrade to version 6.2 as indicated in the previous list item.
If Dimensions CM is installed locally and you are upgrading a DA installation, you must stop all CM services including the Dimensions CM HTTP connector, before upgrading DA.
For any other upgrade scenarios, please contact Support for assistance.
To upgrade a Deployment Automation server:
- Before beginning the upgrade, complete all pending approvals if
possible and then back up your current server as detailed in
Backing Up
Deployment Automation.
Important: If you don't complete pending approvals before upgrading, the associated requests are revoked and must be rerun or rescheduled.
- Download and run the version 6.2 server installer.
UNIX/Linux Only: As part of the upgrade installation process for a Deployment Automation UNIX/Linux server system, you must specify the owner of the Deployment Automation installation.
You must ensure that the user specified is also the owner of the Common Tomcat instance, especially when Common Tomcat hosts other applications in addition to Deployment Automation. The owner is the user name used to run the Common Tomcat process. During the upgrade, folders inside the Common Tomcat instance are configured as owned by the specified owner, and if the user name and owner do not match, the Common Tomcat process may not be able to read them or write to them.
The ownership of the entire Common Tomcat installation is set to the specified user name.
- Access the web interface using the new URL format:
where serverName is the server where the Common Tomcat resides that hosts Deployment Automation and port is the Common Tomcat port.
Use http for non-SSL and https for SSL installations.
For example: http://myhost:8080/da
- Continue with Server Configuration Upgrades as needed.
Server Configuration Upgrades
Common Tomcat is version 8.5 in Deployment Automation version 6.1.5 and later. Some changes you should be aware of if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 6.1.5 are as follows:
- The default directory structure is as follows:
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.5
- UNIX/Linux: /opt/MicroFocus/da/common/tomcat/8.5
- All connectors, such as port number, customization, and SSL configuration are automatically identified and updated in the new Common Tomcat directories during the server upgrade.
- You must manually copy any additional applications running under Common Tomcat, such as Dimensions CM and ZMF Connector, to the new directory structure.
- If you are using
you must configure
again, including setting the parameters in the
gatekeeper-core-config.xml file.
You must set these parameters by copying the corresponding strings from the earlier version of the gatekeeper-core-config.xml file. Copying and replacing the entire file from the earlier Common Tomcat installation does not work.
Other Upgrades
After upgrading the server, review this section and complete any other upgrades necessary for your implementation.
- About Notification Schemes
- About JRE Versions
- About JDBC Files
- About Agent and Agent Relay Upgrades
- About Plugin Upgrades
- About Custom and External Source Configuration Type Upgrades
About Notification Schemes
The new notification schemes are added to existing schemes during the server upgrade. To keep backward compatibility, if changes for a scheme are detected, the upgrade does not affect that scheme; otherwise, the scheme is upgraded to the latest version.
About JRE Versions
The Deployment Automation 6.2 server and agent are installed with JRE 8.0 on all platforms.
- Servers support only Java version 8.0 (Java JRE or JDK or later)
- Agents support Java 7.0 and 8.0 (Java JRE or JDK or later and or later)
- Agent relays support only Java 8.0 (Java JRE or JDK or later)
- Server upgrades: the installer moves the entire JRE installation to this location: common/jre/8.0.pre. If you are using user certificates (cacerts), after the upgrade completes you must restore this file: common/jre/8.0.pre.
- The server upgrade creates backup directories for earlier versions
or update levels of Java. The directories contain backups of earlier versions
of the directories. The backed up versions of the directories are as follows:
- alfssogatekeeper.pre.
- lib.pre.
- On Windows, JRE 8.0 is required for an agent relay to be installed as a service.
- On all platforms, to restrict security protocols, you must use version Java 8.0.
About JDBC Files
The required JDBC driver files that are used by Deployment Automation versions 6.0 and later to connect to the Deployment Automation database are provided by the installer. This means you do not have to download the drivers before you perform a new Deployment Automation install. If you are upgrading from an earlier version and you modified the standard JDBC drivers, the upgrade process preserves your existing JDBC files and connection information, and automatically copies the files to the appropriate directory location for you.
About Agent and Agent Relay Upgrades
For details on upgrading Deployment Automation agents and agent relays, see the Deployment Automation User's Guide or online Help.
About Plugin Upgrades
For details on upgrading Deployment Automation plugins, see the Deployment Automation User's Guide or User's Help.
About Custom and External Source Configuration Type Upgrades
When upgrading from earlier releases using source configuration types that are now implemented as external, the upgrade is done automatically. There should be no noticeable difference when using components with these source configuration types. After the upgrade, the external source configuration types are listed in Administration > Automation > Source Config Types.
Any upgrades you make to your custom source configuration types are done in the corresponding Java code. As a best practice you should load your updated Jar file into a test Deployment Automation system and test the upgraded functionality before loading it into your product system, since it is an extension of the product.
If you load a source configuration type Jar file with a different set of source configuration types than those used when it was originally loaded, some of the source configuration types may be deleted from Deployment Automation. You will receive a warning, and if you confirm the deletion, you will need to reconfigure any components that use the deleted source configuration types.
For details on creating and loading Deployment Automation custom source configuration types, see the Deployment Automation Integration Guide or online Help.
Known Issues
For a complete and up-to-date list of issues found in this release of Deployment Automation, refer to the Knowledge Base.
Issues known to exist at the time of release are as follows:
- OpenJDK
Deployment Automation 6.2.1 uses OpenJDK. A server installation cannot be completed if the glibc dependency is missing. Solution: install the glib dependency for your operating system, for example:
CentOS: yum install glibc.i686
Ubuntu: apt-get install libc6.i686
- Pending approvals not completed before upgrade are revoked.
Any pending approvals at the time of upgrade cannot be completed properly in the updated version due to architectural changes. You should complete them before upgrading if possible. Otherwise, after upgrading, you must rerun or reschedule the associated requests to initiate a new set of approvals.
- Deployment Automation
has limited support for IPv6 IP addresses.
If you are using IPv6 IP addresses on your network, you must use hostname instead of IP address in Deployment Automation agent or agent relay configuration.
Following are known issues for IPv6 addresses:
- If you use IPv6 IP addresses in agent or agent relay
configurations, you must use brackets around the address and with the colon
character (:) escaped with a backward slash (\). For example:
If you do not do this, the agent or relay does not connect and an error similar to the following appears in the log:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: hostname can't be null
- If you run a process using the agent or agent relay configured using an IPv6 address, the process fails.
- If you use IPv6 IP addresses in agent or agent relay
configurations, you must use brackets around the address and with the colon
character (:) escaped with a backward slash (\). For example:
- In Chrome web browsers: HTTPS connection fails in an HPUX
You cannot connect to Deployment Automation through HTTPS in a Chrome web browser if your Deployment Automation server is installed on HPUX. You can connect through other web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox if you add an exception to the browser.
- In the in the
server.xml file, find the commented out
connector block that contains cipher attributes by
searching for the word
ciphers. This file is found in the following
directory by default:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.5\conf
- Insert the entire ciphers= attribute into the connector block that is being used for HTTPS and save your changes.
- Restart Common Tomcat.
- In the in the
server.xml file, find the commented out
connector block that contains cipher attributes by
searching for the word
ciphers. This file is found in the following
directory by default:
- When a proxy server is used, a WebSocket error occurs upon
initiating the Web client.
The client now requests a WebSocket connection upon initial connection to the server. If you receive a WebSocket error, you may need to configure your proxy server to support the WebSocket connection. In some cases, the proxy server may need to be upgraded. For more information, see Knowledgebase item S141934.
- Existing agents may not come back online after the server
Due to changes to supported security protocols starting in version 6.1.1, Deployment Automation agents using earlier versions of Java, such as Java 6, may not be allowed to connect to the server after the upgrade. If your agents do not come online after the server upgrade, you will need to upgrade them by following the instructions in Knowledgebase item S141622.
- When a large number of agents are moved from one unidirectional
agent relay to another, agents of versions prior to 6.1.2 may not automatically
appear online.
When a large number of agents are changed to point to a different unidirectional agent relay, agents of versions prior to 6.1.2 may not automatically come online. These may be listed as CONNECTED or OFFLINE.
To bring them online, in the Agents / Pools pane you can click the Test icon or you can restart the agents.
- When trying to install the agent on a RedHat 7.3 system that is
using the Adwaita theme, the installer page disappears.
If you are using the RedHat 7.3 with the Adwaita theme and try to install the Deployment Automation agent, the installer page disappears and you cannot complete the installation. This is due to the fact that the Adwaita theme is missing some objects used by installer. This works fine with other themes, such as Oxygen. For details on changing the theme, see Knowledgebase item S142064.
When configuring the
ALM Connector
6.1.3 services, if you run
to encrypt the almsernet properties, you get a find or load
When configuring the ALM Connector almsernet service, if you run encrypt.cmd to encrypt the almsernet_resource.properties files, the following error occurs:
Could not find or load main class com.serena.sernet.httpserver.util.Encrypt
To workaround this issue, you must edit the ..\webapps\almsernet\WEB-INF\encrypt.cmd file and change almsernet-8.1.0.jar to almsernet-8.1.2.jar.
Legal Notice
Serena, Dimensions, ChangeMan, Comparex, and StarTool are registered trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. The Serena logo, PVCS, TeamTrack, License Manager and Composer are trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.