Relocating the Repository

For enterprise implementations, due to storage requirements, you may need to relocate your CodeStation files so that they are stored on a different machine than your Deployment Automation server. A good formula for determining CodeStation storage requirements is: average artifact size * number of versions imported per day * average number of days before cleanup.

File storage is organized as follows on a default Deployment Automation server installation:

Relocate the CodeStation files as follows:

  1. Stop the server before moving the folder location.
  2. To relocate log files, you must relocate the \logs folder.
  3. You can either relocate the whole var folder, or if you want to relocate only the repository files, you can relocate just the \var\repository folder.
  4. Use the following to configure your network storage in an optimal way:
    • This data should be stored on robust network storage that is regularly synchronized with an off-site disaster recovery facility.
    • The Deployment Automation server should have a fast network connection to storage (agents do not need access to the storage location).
    • In Unix environments, you can use symbolic links from the var subdirectory to network storage.
    • On Windows platforms there are several options for redirecting logs and artifacts, including mklink (supported in Windows 7 and later).
    • Distributed teams should also take advantage of location-specific CodeStation proxies to improve performance and lower WAN usage.