Installation → Installing Servers and Agents → Agent Relay Installation → Silent Mode Agent Relay Installation → (Windows) Agent Relay Silent Installation → (Windows) Agent Relay Silent Install Options
This section provides the list and description of the Windows agent relay silent install options.
For an example of the option settings, see (Windows) Agent Relay Silent Install Options Example.
Installation Option | Description |
directory where you want the agent relay installed. If it does not exist, you
will be prompted on whether to create it. For example:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\agentrelay Note: This is the only option that is required to run the agent
relay silent installation. If only this property is included, the rest of the
options will have the default values.
JAVA_HOME | Enter the
directory where Java is installed. Ensure that the
JAVA_HOME environment variable points to this
directory. For example:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\jre\8.0 |
AGENT_RELAY_NAME | Enter the name of the agent relay. Each agent relay must have a unique name. The default name is agent-relay. |
PROXY_HOST | Enter the IP address or hostname on which the agent relay will listen for HTTP requests coming from agents. |
PROXY_PORT | Enter the port on
which the agent relay will listen for HTTP requests coming from agents. The
default is
Note: Agent relays can also communicate through HTTPS. To
ensure this, you must configure the server to work through HTTPS and change the
external agent link to use HTTPS. Agents will then automatically connect
through HTTPS. Agent relays will automatically use HTTPS when agents request
HTTPS links.
AGENT_RELAY_RELAY_PORT | Enter the port on which the agent relay will use for JMS-based communications with remote agents. The default is 7916. |
AGENT_RELAY_MUTUAL_AUTH | If mutual authentication is required, enter true. For more information, see Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Configuration. |
AGENT_RELAY_CONNECT | Specify whether
you want the agent relay to connect to the
Deployment Automation
server as follows:
Note: If you aren't sure, take the default
(true). If you want to change it later, you can change this in
the file located in the
relay_installation\conf directory.
AGENT_RELAY_SERVER_HOST | If you entered true for AGENT_RELAY_CONNECT, enter the IP or host name where the agent relay can contact the server. |
AGENT_RELAY_SERVER_PORT | If you entered true for AGENT_RELAY_CONNECT, enter the port the server uses to communicate with agents. The default is 7918. |
INSTALL_SERVICE | If you are installing the agent relay on Windows, you can install it as a Windows service. The default value is true. If you specify true, see the following table entries. |
INSTALL_SERVICE_NAME | (Required for running as a Windows service) Enter a unique name for the service. No spaces are allowed. The default is agentrelay. |
running as a Windows service) Enter an account name, including the domain path
under which to run the service. For a local user, insert
".\" before the user name. The default is
.\localsystem |
INSTALL_SERVICE_PASSWORD | (Optional for running as a Windows service) Enter a password for the Windows service user account name. The default is nopass. |
INSTALL_SERVICE_AUTOSTART | (Required for running as a Windows service) Specify whether or not (true/false) you want the Windows service to be started automatically. The default is false. |
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