Run DbDeploy Step

You may use this step to upgrade your database.

To create a Run DbDeploy step:

  1. Enter a Name for your Run DbDeploy step.
  2. Specify values for the following required properties:
    Property Description
    Driver Classname Class name of the driver for the database.
    DB Driver Jar Base Path Location of the DB driver jar files.
    DB Driver Jars Name of the database driver .jar file. Supports the * wildcard.
    URL Database URL. For example, jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/xdb
    User Username for the database login.
    Password Password for the username for the database login.
    SQL File path The path to the directory within which the SQL files reside.
    Changelog table name Name of the change log table to use. This is useful if the DDL and DML need to be separate when deploying to replicated environments.
    SQL statement delimiter The delimiter to use to separate scripts into statements. Default is a semicolon ";"
    SQL statement delimeter type To split on the delimiter whenever it occurs, specify normal. To split on the delimiter only if it is featured on a line by itself, specify row. Default is normal.
    Line Ending How lines should be separated in SQL statements that are issued by way of JDBC. By default, the step uses the appropriate line ending for the platform it is running on and this is normally satisfactory. However, due to a bug in some Oracle drivers, the Windows default of CRLF may not always work.

    This property takes the values:

    • platform
    • cr
    • lf
    • crlf
  3. (Optional) You may choose to specify the following:
    1. The Output File property can be used to switch to output script mode. The name of the script that DBDeploy will output. This should include a full or relative path.
    2. The DB Type is required if script mode is used. This refers to the target DBMS.
    3. The Template Directory is the directory from which to read customized template scripts. This is only relevant in script mode.