The Example Explained

The following explains the example code.

  1. Annotation @SourceConfigTypeConfig defines Name, Version and Description of the source configuration type.
  2. Annotation @VersionParams defines version information. You can also create a source configuration type without using annotation @VersionParams, for example for implementations not requiring artifacts. If you do so, it is your responsibility to handle the behavior of the source configuration type to process and exit gracefully so that manual or automatic import of a component version works properly. See Defining the Behavior of the Custom Source Configuration Type.
  3. If you want to use version properties in downloadVersionContent(), you must set those properties in the VersionInfo Java object so that they are available later on. VersionInfo has setter methods for setting the properties.
    public Collection<VersionInfo> getNextVersionInfo(Properties properties) 
        throws Exception {
        if(properties == null)
            return null;
        List<VersionInfo> infoList = new ArrayList<VersionInfo>();
        VersionInfo inf = new VersionInfo(properties.getProperty("revision"));
        return infoList;
    public void downloadVersionContent(VersionInfo versionInfo, 
        File processingDirectoryLocation) throws Exception {
        Properties prop = versionInfo.getVersionProps();
        // Do some work.
  4. Annotation @SourceConfigTypeParam defines individual properties that will be configured during component configuration.
  5. You MUST use a getter and setter for each property using any of the annotation.
  6. You should override the equals and hashcode methods for equality checks. You can also override the toString method for string representation of an object.
  7. If any of the @SourceConfigTypeParam properties are marked as readOnly=false, those properties of the CommonIntegrator can be updated in downloadVersionContent() and are persisted in the database. These persisted objects can be used later on or in the next component version integration.
    @SourceConfigTypeParam(displayName = "File Content", 
        description = "Content of the file", required = true, readOnly = false)
    private String fileContent;
    public void downloadVersionContent(VersionInfo versionInfo, 
        File processingDirectoryLocation) throws Exception {
        // Update writable/updatable properties [readOnly = false]
    fileContent = “my new content generated dynamically”;
Note: The next time the common integrator runs, it will have fileContent initialized with “my new content generated dynamically,” as this value persists in the database.