Agent Installation Options

In the agent installation wizard panels, specify the options according to the information in the following table. Where Windows and UNIX/Linux options differ, operating system-specific information is included.

Option Description
Install Deployment Automation Agent to

Specify the location into which the agent will be installed. For example:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Deployment Automation Agent


/opt/Micro \ Focus/Deployment Automation Agent

Agent Name Specify the name of the agent. The agent name should be unique.
Server Agent Communication to use Mutual Authentication with SSL Select this if mutual authentication will be used with the server. For more information, see Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Configuration.
Will the agent connect to an agent relay instead of directly to the server? Select Yes to use an agent relay. Default: No
Hostname or address If an agent relay is being used, specify the hostname of the agent relay. Default: localhost
Agent Relay Communication Port If an agent relay is being used, specify the port number that will be used for JMS communication with the agent relay. Default: 7916
HTTP Proxy Port If an agent relay is being used, specify the proxy port number of the agent relay for HTTP communication. Default: 20080
Hostname or address If not using an agent relay, specify the hostname of the Deployment Automation server.
Agent Communication Port If not using an agent relay, specify the port number that will be used for JMS communication with the Deployment Automation server. Default: 7918
Do you want to install the Agent as Windows service? For Windows installations, select Yes to create a Windows service for the agent.
Unique service name for the Agent If installing as a Windows service, specify the name to use for the service. Default: DA-Agent
Start the Agent service automatically If installing as a Windows service, select this to configure the Windows service to start automatically.
Note: The agent must be manually started by default, so you must select this if you want it to start automatically.
User account name for the service If installing as a Windows service, specify the log on user account name for the service. Default: ./localsystem
User account password for the service If installing as a Windows service, specify the log on user account password for the Windows service. This is not required if you are using the local system account.
Install JRE Select this to install a new JRE with the agent.
Note: If you are installing an HPUX agent, this option is not available. You must download and install the HPUX JRE yourself before installing the agent.
Use Existing JRE Select this to use an existing JRE with the agent.
Please specify the JAVA_HOME for the JRE If using an existing JRE, specify the location of a pre-existing JRE for the agent to use. For example, on Windows:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\jre\8.0

On UNIX/Linux:
