Administration → Security Administration → Authentication Realms and Users → Creating LDAP Authentication Realms
If you are using LDAP, you can import users and map them to the security system. If you create an LDAP type of authentication realm, you need to provide information about your LDAP installation as described in the following table.
For additional configuration requirements, see LDAP Authentication Configuration.
Field | Description |
Context Factory | Enter the context factory class to use to connect. This may vary depending upon your Java implementation. The default for Sun Java implementations: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory. |
LDAP URL | URL to the LDAP server beginning with ldap:// or ldaps://. Separate additional servers with spaces. |
Use DN Pattern | Enter the user directory entry pattern; the name will be substituted in place of 0 in the pattern, such as cn={0},ou=employees,dc=yourcompany,dc=com. |
User Search Base | Enter the user base directory to search for users, such as ou=employees,dc=mydomain,dc=com. |
User Search Filter | Enter the LDAP filter expression to use when searching for a user's directory entry. The user name will be substituted in place of {0} in the pattern, such as uid={0}. If this is an attribute and not part of the user DN pattern, wrap the value in parenthesis, such as ud=(0). |
Search User Subtree | Search the subtree for users. |
Search Connection DN | Enter the complete directory name to use when binding to LDAP for searches, such as cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=com. If not specified, an anonymous connection will be made. Required if the LDAP server cannot be anonymously accessed. |
Search Connection Password | Enter the password to use when binding to LDAP for searches. |
Name Attribute | Enter the attribute name that contains the user's name, as set in LDAP. |
Email Attribute | Enter the attribute name that contains the user's email address, as set in LDAP. |
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