Creating a Modify ACLs Step

This step assigns access control lists (ACLs) to files or folders.

Required properties:

Property Name Description
Directory Offset The working directory to use when executing this command. This is relative to current working directory. Default value: .
CACLS Type Select whether to use CACLS, XACLS, or ICACLS to modify permissions.
File filter A file filter to limit the files/folders to modify. Default value: .

Optional properties:

Property Name Description

The path to the (X)CACLS executable. For example: C:\Windows\System32

Include subdirectories Check this option to change ACLs of specified files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
Edit ACLs instead of replacing Check this option to edit ACL instead of replacing it. This option cannot be used with ICACLS.
Continue on access denied errors Check this option to continue on access denied errors.
Grant User Access Rights A list of new-line separated permissions in the format of user:perm;spec, where perm can be:
  • R: Read
  • C: Change (write)
  • F: Full control
  • P: Change permissions (special access)
  • T: Take ownership (special access)
  • X: Execute (special access)
  • E: Read (special access)
  • W: Write (special access)
  • D: Delete (special access)
Revoke user's rights Revoke specified user's access rights (only valid with Edit ACLs instead of replacing option unless using ICACLS).
Replace User's Access Rights A list of new-line separated permissions in the format of user:perm;spec, where perm can be:
  • R: Read
  • C: Change (write)
  • F: Full control
  • P: Change permissions (special access)
  • T: Take ownership (special access)
  • X: Execute (special access)
  • E: Read (special access)
  • W: Write (special access)
  • D: Delete (special access)
Deny user access Deny specified user access. If using XCACLS or CACLS, specify the user. With ICACLS, this denies specified rights to the user, requiring the format of user:perm.
Replace without verify Replace user's rights without verify. Only valid with XCACLS.