Configuring the Requests View

The Requests view uses an SBM Listing report to return requests.

You can use the provided Request Center - My Requests report, which returns items submitted by the logged-in user that were modified in the past 30 days. You can also choose a custom Listing report for the Requests view, as long as you follow the criteria in this section. Regardless of the report you use, be sure to verify that Request Center users have permissions to run the report and view items that are returned, as described below.

To customize the Requests view:

  1. Log in to Request Center (http://serverName/tmtrack/tmtrack.dll?shell=srp) with a user account with the Remote Administration privilege.
  2. Select Customize | Requests.
  3. Choose from the available options (which change depending on the detected process apps):
    • Request Center default, which uses the Request Center - My Requests contained in the Service Desk snapshot shipped with Request Center.
    • Other Report, which allows you to search for and select a custom Listing report. Remember the following when creating the Listing report:
      Each Listing report must meet the following criteria:
      • Privilege Category - Cannot be private reports. Also, be sure to verify that all Request Center users have access to run the reports and view report results. For example, If you add the report at the Base Project level, users may not see results in their Request Center view.
      • Report Type - Listing
      • System fields as display columns
        • Last Modified Date
        • Owner
        • Submit Date
        • Title
      • Search Filter
        • Owner contains any "current user"
        • Query-at-Runtime parameters are not allowed
        • Calculation columns are not allowed
  4. Select the Use first six report columns to control the headers in the Requests view. The first six columns use the same order as specified in the Select Columns to Display setting in the Listing report.
    Note: The report must contain the system fields as noted above because they are used for sorting items. The system fields can appear after the six fields you choose as column headers.