Customizing the Process Apps

The default processes in Service Manager can be easily customized to meet your needs. You use SBM Composer to modify the process apps, applications, and orchestrations. This includes designing states, transitions, forms, actions, and other design elements. You also use SBM Composer to create new roles and tie the roles to particular states or transitions.

For example, the Change Management process app includes the Link Release Train transition. This transition is only applicable if you have Serena Release Manager. To eliminate confusion and possible issues, administrators should disable this transition if RLM is not installed. This transition is found in the Change Management process app, stems from the Any state, and is disabled on the General tab of the Property Editor.

The Service Manager process apps contain references to each other; for example, the Change Management application references the Incident Management application. To eliminate validation errors in SBM Composer, open all of the process apps locally before modifying and deploying a specific process app.

To modify the process apps using SBM Composer:

  1. Click Composer Button | Open | Application Repository and select the process app.
  2. Repeat for all Service Manager process apps. This allows reference information to be loaded into the SBM Composer local cache. Not loading all of the process apps can result in validation errors.
  3. Open the process app to modify.
  4. Modify the process app.
  5. Deploy the changes to your server.

For more information on using SBM Composer, refer to the SBM Composer Guide.